digital rato ★

commissioning means you agree to all this:★ Full payment upfront, but I am willing to negotiate for larger commissions. I accept payments in USD, EUR and BRL, via PayPal and PIX
★ I have the right to post commissions
on my social media, just talk to me first if, for some reason, you don’t want me to post.
★ For designs and adopts: please do not resell for more than you bought them unless there is additional art.
i will not draw:- nsfw, explicit content (artistic nudity is fine)
- Any hate speech/bigotry
- Loli/shota content
- Complex backgrounds

generally it takes me one week to 2
weeks to finish the commission, be patient!

preços em BRL são negociáveis, só mandar DM que a gente discute um preço acessível!

$7 - tradicional sketches
scan of a page with (one or more) tradicional sketch, can be colored or not
• minimal shading

$10 - digital colored sketches
a page with (one or more) digital colored sketch of one character
• minimal shading

$15 - rendered sketch
a full rendered sketch/paintover with one or more characters
• rough color and minimal shading

$20 - detailed illustration
a full illustration with lineart and clean colors
• fully shaded

feel free to ask me about other comm types (emotes, icons, custom design...)